Navisure is an industry leader in cyber insurance. We work with businesses to create a curated cyber policy to protect their business from malicious attacks and deal with the consequences were one to occur. We work with a variety of cyber insurance carriers that offer an assortment of specialized coverages based on what each business needs protected.
We offer a variety of cyber coverage options.
Unauthorized Access
Covers the costly, competitive, and legal, consequences of proprietary assets falling into the wrong hands.
Cyber Extortion
When hackers lock down a businesses data for ransom, many of our carriers cover the damages, whether that means fighting or complying with the demands.
Business Interruption
Down time can be even costlier than remediation. When cyber breaches shut down operations, many of our carriers will cover the customary lost revenue.
Covers the sweeping consequences of stolen PI: notification, fines, triage, legal fees and judgements, reputation repair and more.
Social Engineering
Many of our carriers will cover when hackers pose as a friend, a contact, or a cause to worm their way into a businesses data or dollars.
Transmission of Virus or Malicious Code
Many of our carriers will cover loses, from the point of discovery, due to infectious malware, some still invisible even to the best monitoring systems.
*Please note not all coverages are included in a base policy. Please speak with your agent to curate the best options for your business.